GYOEDU Resident Course

Gyoedu resident course has a new home and simplified access with a one-time fee of $249.

GYOEDU Launchpad

The transition from training to faculty is a defining moment in a medical career, filled with new challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re preparing to step into your role or have recently started as an attending, the GYOEDU Launchpad is here to guide you through this critical phase.

GYOEDU Launchpad
💡If you are enrolled in the Launchpad program, please go to Please use the Gmail address you provided during the booking to log in. This email address (GMAIL) will receive the GOOGLE MEET video conferencing live session invitations. A Group Mentorship Program Transitioning from a trainee to a


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GYOEDU Resident

GYOEDU Resident
What’s included? * Access to all free content (free videos, study summaries) * Select video tutorials covering the basics of Gynecology Oncology * Select surgical videos appropriate for resident-level * Twice monthly newsletter covering a one video tutorial of topics relevant to gynecology oncology disease sites, discussion relevant to work-life harmony, new relevant publications,

Recent 'Publication Updates' Newsletter Posts

Publication Update # 94
Making anxiety your friend, a deep dive into A-18 and management of recurrent endometrial cancer, review paper - margins in vulvar cancer
Publications Update # 93
Benefits of not being a jerk to yourself, ASCO guidelines for academic oncologists career development, MIS Simple hyst in cervical cancer less than 2 cm with video and review article on STIC lesions
Publications Update # 91
Walmart earnings affected by GLP-1 inhibitors, HER2 testing in Gyn Cancers mini-video tutorial, SPECTRUM study, Pembrolizumab in clear cell cancers, and a review paper on neuroendocrine tumors
Publications Update # 90
How to give great presentations, censoring in clinical trials causing bias, molecular classification in fertility-sparing treatment of endometrial cancer, ARIEL 4 final OS data, guidelines for using checkpoint inhibitors in older patients

Study Summaries

Summary of Clinical Trials in Gynecologic Oncology
Ovarian Cancer Trials, Cervical Cancer Trials, Vulvar Cancer Trials, Sarcoma Trials, Endometrial Cancer Trials, Surgical Trials


Open Access Videos Require Free Membership Tier of Open Access Surgical Videos (Require Free Membership at * Open Hysterectomy Tutorial - Step-by-step guide on performing an open abdominal hysterectomy. * Right Para-Aortic Lymph Node Dissection - Detailed procedure for right para-aortic lymph node dissection. * Dr. Tewari’s Atlas of

Board Review Course

2025 Board Prep Lecture Series
Enrollment Information: Preparation for Board ExamsBoard Review Course for 2025 Thank you for your interest in the GYOEDU board review. Here is some helpful information about this course and the instructions on how to enroll To enroll in this course, please follow these instructions 1. Complete the payment for the


Mentorship and Coaching

GYOEDU Mentorship Academy
GYOEDU’s unique program blends the essence of mentorship with executive coaching to nurture new faculty toward excellence. The program draws from my leadership roles including Fellowship Director, Division Chief, State-wide Director for Quality Improvement, and the Founder of GYOEDU along with my leadership training at the Ross School of Business.