Enrollment Information

Board Review Course - Enrollment Information
I appreciate your interest in the Board Review Course. Please read this important information about the Board Review Course before enrolling: IMPORTANT INFORMATION: 1. You must be a GYOEDU Plus newsletter member to get the Board Review Course. Please read the FAQ before payment: GYOEDU Subscription FAQs. 2. Board Review

Book Oral Exam Prep Session (2025)

Please email me 1 case list per booking (Endometrial OR Cervical/vaginal/Vulvar OR Ovarian) at support@gyoedu.orgPlease rename your file as LASTNAME_DiseaseType.pdfA typical one-hour session will include 20 minutes for two structured cases and 30 minutes of questions from the case list. The

From the Publication Updates

Relevant Board Review Material from Publications Updates 1 - 50
Medication Dosage Administration NK1 Aprepitant 125 mg oral On day 1 Aprepitant 80 mg oral On days 2-3 Fosaprepitant 150 mg IV On the day of infusion See others in ASCO guidelines 5-HT3 Ondansetron 8 mg On the day of chemotherapy PRN After that Dexamethasone 12 mg On the day
Relevant Board Review Material from Publications Updates 51-90

Board Review Videos

Endometrial Cancer

  1. 🆕 Surgical Management of CAH/EIN (Open Access) (Updated 03-10-25)
  2. Fertility Preservation in EIN/CAH
  3. Radiation Therapy for Definitive Management of Endometrial Cancer
  4. Clinical Significance of Molecular Testing of Endometrial Cancer (Open Access)
  5. Surgical Considerations in Endometrial Cancer (Part 1) (Updated 01-02-25)
  6. Surgical Considerations in Endometrial Cancer (Part 2)
  7. Adjuvant Therapy in Endometrial Cancer (Part 1)
  8. Adjuvant Therapy in Endometrial Cancer (Part 2)
  9. Isolated Tumor Cells in Endometrial Cancer
  10. Advanced Endometrial Cancer (Part 1)
  11. Advanced Endometrial Cancer (Part 2)
  12. Leiomyosarcoma
  13. ESS and Adenosarcoma
  14. Early Stage Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma (Updated 01-26-25)
  15. HER2 and T-DXd in Gynecologic Cancers (Updated 02-23-25)

Cervical Cancer

  1. Early Stage Cervical Cancer - Part 1
  2. Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection in Cervical Cancer
  3. Early Stage Cervical Cancer - Part 2
  4. SHAPE Trial Update - MIS in Simple Hyst (Updated 03-02-27)
  5. Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer - Part 1 (Open Access)
  6. Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer - Part 2
  7. Advanced, Recurrent, and Metastatic Cervical Cancer

Ovarian Cancer - High Grade

  1. Management of STIC in patients undergoing RRSO
  2. Early Stage Ovarian Cancer
  3. Primary Debulking Vs. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
  4. Primary Chemotherapy for Ovarian Cancer
  5. PARP-i in Ovarian Cancer 🆕 (Updated 02-05-25)
  6. Platinum-Sensitive Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
  7. Platinum-Resistant Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
  8. Secondary Debulking Mini-Tutorial
  9. HIPEC in ovarian cancer
  10. Ovarian Transposition

Ovarian Cancer - Other Histologies

  1. Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer (Open Access)
  2. Borderline Tumors of the Ovary
  3. Granulosa Cell Tumors
  4. Germ Cell Tumors
  5. Bleomycin Mini-tutorial

Vulvar Cancer

  1. Early Stage Vulvar Cancer
  2. Inguinofemoral Lymph Node Dissection Video
  3. Advanced Vulvar Carcinoma
  4. Vulvar Melanoma

Rare Histologies

  1. Mucinous Ovarian Carcinoma
  2. Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia: Part 1
  3. Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia: Part 2 >> Dr. Anna Strohl's Lecture

Chemotherapy Complications

  1. Management of Febrile Neutropenia
  2. Chemotherapy Emergencies

Surgical Complications

  1. Anticoagulants and Managing Bleeding
  2. Management of Urinary Tract Injuries

Upcoming Videos

Rare Histologies

  • Adenoma Malignum (Cervical Adenocarcinoma Gastric Type)

Surgical Complications

  • GI Complications

Relevant Open Access GYOEDU Lectures

  1. Radiation Oncology Basics - Dr Andrew McDonald
  2. Radiation Oncology: Image-Guided Brachytherapy - Dr. Beth Erikson
  3. Small Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix - Dr. Michael Frumovitz
  4. Basic Pathology for Gyn Oncologists - Dr. Jaclyn Watkins
  5. Symptom Management - Dr Carolyn Lefkowits
  6. Placenta Accreta Syndrome and Cesarean Hysterectomy - Dr. Jason Wright
  7. Splenectomy - Dr. Paniti Sukumvanich
  8. Platinum Hypersensitivity Management - Dr. Shitanshu Uppal
  9. Anatomy for Gyn Oncologists - Dr. Carrie Langstraat
  10. Surgical Complications - Dr. Steve Rose
  11. Cancer in Pregnancy - Dr. Paola Gehrig
  12. High-Risk GTN - Dr. Ann Strohl

SGO Connect Ed Videos to Watch

Some might be older videos, please use caution as all information may not be up to date.

Symptom Management and Quality of Life

SGO ConnectED OncoFertility

SGO Fellow BootCamp - Symptom Management


  • Basic Stats
  • Advanced Stats
I recommend the SGO Connect Ed's 4 part series on statistics available here: https://connected.sgo.org/content/sgo-taskforce-board-certification-support-statistic-webinar-series-part-1#group-tabs-node-course-default1

Dr. Beavis and Dr. Melamed have done an excellent job summarizing everything that needs to be discussed on this topic for board prep. I can't improve on this lecture series; there is no reason to reinvent the wheel.