Publications Update # 26

Publications Update # 26
Photo by Andrew S / Unsplash

Upcoming GYOEDU Lecture

A discussion on how to succeed as a gynecologic oncology fellow and prepare to be a successful attending. Join us on Thursday, August 26th, at 6 PM EST.

Registration Link:

Non-Medical Article of the Week

What Is a Good Job?
Research shows that people consider a job to be a good one when it not only pays fairly and allows a worker to do what they’re good at but also makes them feel seen for being their best self. If you have a good job, you sense that your colleagues have your back; you don’t experience discrimination;…

Finding the right job can be like navigating a maze, especially in a specialized field like gynecologic oncology. But this isn't just about the title or the field – it's about finding a place where you can truly shine. Dive into this article, and you'll discover a simple yet powerful idea: the best job is the one where you're your best self. We all deserve a place where we're supported by our colleagues, free from discrimination, confident in our job security, and equipped to handle changes. Finally, loving what you do on a day-to-day basis, rather than just being enamored with the big picture, makes all the difference. If you don't love the daily grind, it's unlikely you will be happy.

Question of the Week

Why do tumors with a high tumor mutational burden (TMB) tend to respond better to immunotherapy?

A) They activate stronger immune checkpoint pathways, inhibiting T-cell activation.
B) They produce more neoantigens, making them more recognizable by the immune system.
C) They increase the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, making the tumor environment more hostile.
D) They stimulate higher expression of MHC class I molecules, leading to increased immune cell infiltration.

Answer at the end of the newsletter