Reducing Incisional Hernias
Small bites versus large bites for closure of abdominal midline incisions (STITCH): a double-blind, multicentre, randomised controlled trial - PubMed
Erasmus University Medical Center and Ethicon.

Incisional hernia rate 3 years after midline laparotomy - PubMed
This follow-up of two trials demonstrated that 1 year of clinical follow-up for detection of incisional hernia is not sufficient; follow-up for at least 3 years should be mandatory in any study evaluating the rate of postoperative incisional hernia after midline laparotomy.

Reducing Surgical Site Infections
- We no longer use closure trays at the University of Michigan after these papers were published.
- All hysterectomy patients get ANCEF and FLAGYL as antibiotics
Less is more: Abdominal closure protocol does not reduce surgical site infection after hysterectomy - PubMed
The abdominal closure protocol in isolation did not decrease SSI in those undergoing TAH by a gynecologic oncologist.

Implementation of an abdominal closure bundle to reduce surgical site infection in patients on a gynecologic oncology service undergoing exploratory laparotomy - PubMed
Implementation of an abdominal closure bundle was not associated with a significant reduction in overall SSI rate. However, multiple subpopulations associated with advanced gynecologic cancer benefited from this intervention.

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