Ed Yong's NYT Interview, Deep Dive into the role of chemoradiation in intermediate and high-risk cervical cancer post radical hysterectomy (GOG 263 and RTOG/GOG 0724 studies), GY-006 final publication.
Publication Update # 94
Making anxiety your friend, a deep dive into A-18 and management of recurrent endometrial cancer, review paper - margins in vulvar cancer
Publications Update # 93
Benefits of not being a jerk to yourself, ASCO guidelines for academic oncologists career development, MIS Simple hyst in cervical cancer less than 2 cm with video and review article on STIC lesions
Publications Update # 92 - (GYOEDU Updates Only)
Updates to GYOEDU website, Chemo Cards and launchpad details
Publications Update # 91
Walmart earnings affected by GLP-1 inhibitors, HER2 testing in Gyn Cancers mini-video tutorial, SPECTRUM study, Pembrolizumab in clear cell cancers, and a review paper on neuroendocrine tumors
Publications Update # 90
How to give great presentations, censoring in clinical trials causing bias, molecular classification in fertility-sparing treatment of endometrial cancer, ARIEL 4 final OS data, guidelines for using checkpoint inhibitors in older patients
Publications Update # 89
Implications of the Present Perfect Tense, PARP inhibitors and recent withdrawals, retroperitoneal debulking video, ovarian cancer guidelines by ASCO and some GYOEDU updates
Publications Update # 88
Confessions of a recovering people pleaser, deep-dive into the management of non-myoinvasive uterine papillary serous carcinoma
Publications Update # 87
Publications Update # 86
New Year Resolutions, A Practical Approach to Molecular Classification of Endometrial Cancer, Cervical Cancer Review article, management of Cancer Cachexia and the Changing Practice of Gynecology Oncology.