Trabectedin did not improve median OS and demonstrated a worse safety profile compared to physician’s choice chemotherapy.
OV-HIPEC 1: Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer
The addition of HIPEC to interval cytoreductive surgery for stage III epithelial ovarian cancer significantly improves recurrence-free and overall survival without an increase in severe side effects.
SCORPION: Primary debulking surgery versus neoadjuvant chemotherapy for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and primary debulking surgery showed similar efficacy in terms of progression-free and overall survival. However, neoadjuvant chemotherapy resulted in significantly lower rates of post-operative complications, suggesting a different toxicity profile
GOG 252: Randomized Trial of Intravenous Versus Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Plus Bevacizumab in Advanced Ovarian Carcinoma
The duration of PFS was not significantly increased with either IP regimen when combined with bevacizumab, and was better tolerated than IP cisplatin.
ICON 8: Weekly dose-dense chemotherapy in first-line epithelial ovarian
Weekly dose-dense chemotherapy does not significantly improve progression-free survival compared to standard 3-weekly chemotherapy in a predominantly European population.
PRIMA: Niraparib in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Advanced Ovarian Cancer
Niraparib significantly extends progression-free survival among patients with newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer post-response to platinum-based chemotherapy, regardless of homologous-recombination deficiency status.
PAOLA-1: Olaparib plus Bevacizumab as First-Line Maintenance in Ovarian Cancer
The addition of maintenance olaparib with bevacizumab significantly improves progression-free survival, especially in patients with HRD-positive tumors, including those without a BRCA mutation.
MITO-7: Weekly chemotherapy in ovarian cancer
Weekly chemotherapy vs. q3 weekly chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer
GOG 281: Trametinib in recurrent low-grade serous ovarian cancer
Trametinib versus standard of care in patients with recurrent low-grade serous ovarian cancer.
MIRASOL: Mirvetuximab in Platinum Resistant Cancer
Mirvetuximab Soravtansine (MIRV) in platinum resistant ovarian cancer